1-Park downtown for a half hour
2-Purchase the latest edition of the Tooele transcript
3-Drive out to Wendover and put it all on red (granted the trip will cost you more than a dollar in gas)
4-Trade it on ebay for a different dollar
5-Make a lightweight two inch telescope (1x powered)
6-Get 100 pennies, find a fountain and make a 100 wishes
7-Pay off all your debts in Mexico
8-Level a wobbly table
9-Buy something off Mcdonalds Value menu for 99 cents (save a penny!)
10-Buy pretty much anything at the dollar store
Got any other ideas? Hey it's all about value!
I don't believe you can get a CD for a dollar. They cost two dollars at the DI and nobody undersells the DI.
Free after Rebate at Walgreens, new items every month (if you have a coupon, you earn money). Wendy's Dollar Menu, Redbox movies, Sugarhouse dollar theater, basketball at the Redwood Rec Center, Deseret Industries!
Oh, and if you save up five of them, you can get a meal for you whole family, Little Caeser's baby.
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