Sunday, March 30, 2008

Indiana? That Was the Dog's Name

So we had a discussion the other day about our Indiana Jones name. You know, you'll see things on the Internet that say, put your information in here and it will give you your Star Wars name. Well, your Indiana Jones name is pretty simple, you take the name of the dog your family had when you were a child and then add your last name. Mine came out pretty cool since my dog's name was Buckshot. Made me sound like someone out of the Wild West. But the other guys were all the sudden reluctant to share what there's would be. So I guess this is only a fun activity to do if you had the presence of mind (and/or influence in your family) to make sure your dog had a cool name when you were a kid. Because it doesn't really work if your dog's name was Pretty Girl, or Snowball, or Pooky, or Fluffy.

But seriously, have you ever heard of a dog named Indiana?

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Church of the Sub Genius

I was doing my religious studies on the Internet (I used to do them on the bus, but I have too many friends now and always end up chatting ( I don't really understand Portuguese anyway)) and I found this religion I never had heard of.

Its the same religion that Devo belongs to. The Church of the Sub Genius. Which I thought since I am the only un-degreed person on this blog, I should check into. Being the only SUB-genius in the group.

Anyway if I send them $30 they will make me an ordained minister.

Here is their website and the wikipedia article.

It could be a cult, so if you don't see me Monday call the authorities.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Worth The Wait

I finally remembered! Watch for the man screaming "Sheeeep!"

"I'm not crazy"

Brilliant Rockers for Real

Tom Morello of Rage Against The Machine, Audioslave - graduated in Political Science from Harvard University

Brian May of Queen - Doctorate in Astronomy.

David Farrell of Linkin Park - degree from UCLA

Lou Reed of The Velvet Underground - degree in English from Syracuse University

Scott Stapp of Creed - degree from University of Notre Dame

Art Garfunkel of Simon & Garfunkel - Masters degree in Mathematics

Tracy Chapman - degree from Tufts University

Greg Graffin - Bad Religion
Double majored in anthropology and geology at UCLA before getting a masters there in geology. He went on to receive a PhD in zoology from Cornell for his dissertation, "Monism, Atheism and the Naturalist Worldview: Perspectives from Evolutionary Biology." He currently teaches life sciences at UCLA.

Lisa Loeb
Graduated from the Providence institution in 1990 with a degree in comparative literature.

Alicia Keys
Graduated from the Professional Performing Arts School as the Valedictorian and was offered a scholarship to Columbia.

Peter Yarrow - Peter, Paul, and Mary
Undergraduate psychology major at Cornell.

Huey Lewis
Huey studied engineering at Cornell before dropping out his junior year.

Davey Havok and Jade Puget - AFI
Met while they were students at the University of California at Berkeley.

Nick Drake
Drake studied English literature at Fitzwilliam College at the University of Cambridge.

Colin Greenwood - Radiohead
Greenwood was born and raised in the academic mecca that is Oxford, England (he still lives there today with most of the other members of Radiohead), but he decided to go to rival Cambridge University for his studies. Greenwood studied English and focused on modern American authors.

Brilliant Scientist Rockers

Tesla - Signs

Mr. Big - To Be With You

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Nickola Tesla

They say Tesla invented the 21st Century.
Here are things Tesla did invent:
Various devices that use rotating magnetic fields (1882)
The Induction motor, rotary transformers, and "high" frequency alternators, The Tesla coil his magnifying transmitter, and other means for increasing the intensity of electrical oscillations (including condenser discharge transformations and the Tesla oscillators) , Alternating current long-distance electrical transmission system (1888) and other methods and devices for power transmission Systems for wireless communication (prior art for the invention of radio) and radio frequency oscillators,Robotics and the "AND" logic gate Electrotherapy Tesla currents, Wireless transfer of electricity and the Tesla effect,Tesla impedance phenonomena,Tesla electro-static field , Tesla principle ,Bifilar coil ,Telegeodynamics , Tesla insulation ,Tesla impulses,Tesla frequencies,Tesla discharge, Forms of commutators and methods of regulating third brushes,Tesla turbines (eg., bladeless turbines) for water, steam and gas and the Tesla pumps, Tesla igniter , Tesla compressor , X-rays Tubes using the bremsstrahlung process , Devices for ionized gases and "Hot Saint Elmo's Fire". Devices for high field emission , Devices for charged particle beams, Phantom streaming devices, Arc light systems , Methods for providing extremely low level of resistance to the passage of electrical current (predecessor to superconductivity), Voltage multiplication circuitry ,Devices for high voltage discharges , Devices for lightning protection ,VTOL aircraft , Dynamic theory of gravity , Concepts for electric vehicles , Polyphase systems.

Links about the greatest scientist ever:
Tesla Society

Super Power or Weapon of Choice

The Waffler

ClusterBuster - Louisville Slugger - used to teach boys to be men
Map Maker - MAG-LITE - used to enlighten the dim
MotorTales - Old or New Utah License Plate - used to teach appreciation for fine art and history
Kavorka - Fender Electric Guitar - used to teach appreciation for music

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Local Hotologist Rides the Bus

I learned today that there is such a thing as a hotologist. Better yet, he rides our bus. If you want to know the value of someones beauty you can just show him a picture and he can tell you within a percent or two just how hot someone is.

But all good things must go south and as we headed east things got ugly and ended in threats of illuminating a fellow bus passenger by cracking his head open with a flash light.

I my self admitted to being a verminologist. Its part of why I ride the bus. I like to study the creatures in their natural habitat. In fact on one bus I rode today the conversation was something like this:

"I am so sick of prisons, I just got done with a 5 year sentence. Where were you incarcerated? Which time. ha ha ha. I've been in gunnison, point of the mountain..... my brother was up there, his name is xxxxxxx oh yeah, I knew him. He had a girl friend xxxxxx yeah, i knew her she had my back ....yeah i was gonna leave town with this girl i was seeing, but when i got out and saw my kids i felt bad cause i hadn't seen them for so long, i want to spend some time with them before their all growed up. i found out my wife is using heroine now. She started with lortabs, then went to Oxycontin, then she went full out. So now I am takin' care of them."

I may poke fun about the vermin thing, but listening to this story really broke my heart. I know there are a lot of kids out there in similar situations. I am glad that this gentleman wants to stay clean and raise his kids.

We ended the morning commute talking about aspartame and ascertain. Which is where Map Maker got the title for his Time Warp post. We were being silly like junior high kids. I think its all that arsenic we drank when we were in Milford.

MotorTales Doing Kermit Dance

For you MotorTales

Time Warp

It's really weird, but sometimes on the back of the bus I feel like I've been transported back to Junior High.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Peanuts and WiFi

On board meals and now this! Website

What's next?

Let's sue their pants off! Article

Friday, March 21, 2008

Fun With Photoshop

On One

That's a good way to describe the bus today, we were on one.

The Kid

Right here you were going to see a music video by Nelson, but apparently they keep a pretty tight hold on their stuff, so I guess you'll have to go to YouTube and search for yourself.

Kermit the Frog

I'm Not Crazy

Eye of the Tiger

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Renewable Bio-Methanol From Sugar Beet Pulp

All of this talk about Corn, Methane Fuel, Bio Fuel really offends my Pioneer heritage. This is Utah and we come from strong proud Mormon stock. If you are any kind of true believers in the word you would be talking about Sugar Beets for fuel.

It's time to re-activate all the churches old sugar beet silos, sugar beet farms, dust off the old tractors and get to planting. We have been sitting on a dormant gold mine.

The exhaust would smell so sweet. Any by-products could be swept into a bowl and used on your cereal in the morning.
And best of all you don't have to be ashamed that your school mascot is a beet digger like this guy who won't even show his face during the game.

BMW Beats Prius in MPGs

BMW vs. Prius Article

We had some more fun discussion about corn ethanol today.

Also about jumping jacks on the bus and banning wild turkeys from riding the bus.

Methane Fuel is awesome too. Article COW POWER!

Or Bio Diesel from Pond Scum Article


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Ricin-Poisoned Man Gains Consciousness,Talks With FBI and Brother

So kids are doing this new thing called ricin'. What they do is put a funnel in their mouths and start pouring cooked rice down it. I guess its pretty bad.

I didn't even know that eating too much rice could kill you. I mean I can see how eating a lot of rice might make you sick but I can't believe it could put you in a comma.

If we can't depend on rice what are we going to eat when all of the wheat is gone? Oh...yeah...Corn Meal I guess. Probably no shortage of that.

I also was suprized to find out that we get rice from castor beans. I always thought it came from rice patty fields.

So I am sad that Rice is getting a bad rep from this whole ricin' issue. Danged teenager ruining it for the rest of us. I sure hope Map Maker holds on to that big bag of rice he bought last week, cause I bet you are going to have to get a license to buy rice.

Time to hang up the chop sticks I guess.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Corn In Everything

Check out this video about corn.

You will be astonished not only by the number of foods that have corn based ingredients, but also by the non-food products that are derived from corn.

What occurred to me today, was that corn ethanol will be the death of our economy. Prices for corn are already skyrocketing with this new fad. Watch what will happen to all of these other products as the corn prices rise. Not to mention how wheat prices are shooting up because all the farmers are switching to corn for the money.

We should stop corn ethanol production immediately or we are in trouble.

Let the market work! Stop pushing technologies that will cause great economic harm and other unintended and unforeseen problems.

So there's my bit of controversy to keep up with all the anti-nuclear, anti-terrorism, etc posts that you guys do.

Proof You're Crazy

I'm sure you've seen this. One of these new fangled phones with some "cool" song as its "ring." So this awesome song goes off and the only problem is that the person with the phone is in a meeting, at work (insert other awkward situation of your choice) and they start digging and hurrying to get the phone out and get it shut off.

Now back to the bus.

Out of the corner of my eye on the bus this morning, I saw a guy at the back of the bus digging around in his coat or something and he was singing.

So are you thinking what I was?

Maybe I should have just called this post, Proof I'm Crazy.

Anyway, whatever the guy was doing, I had this thought, which I think is pretty hilarious, which you need to try if you want people to think you're crazy.

In a crowded place, just burst into a rendition of your favorite song (not singing the words of course, but do's and da's) and start hurriedly digging around in your pockets and stuff. In between singing, say things like "I bet it's John calling me again." "Where is that thing?" "I guess I'll just have to let it go to voice mail."

Well I thought it was a funny idea.

"I'm not crazy!" - ClusterBuster quoting Bruce Willis in Disney's The Kid

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Post Post Post

Come on man you guys need to hurry and post some stuff before MotorTales gets back from his License Plate Convention. I don't want my picture to be the first thing he sees when he gets back.

Oh wait, he probably won't see it. He never looks at our blog.

Friday, March 14, 2008

New state license plate

I re-designed this in response to a conversation we were having on the bus about Utah letting Energy Solutions / Energy Pollutions dump radio active crap from Italy in Utah. I really hope the person / committee that designed the plate won't be upset by the parody.

See people on the bus care about such issues. That's why we ride the bus.

Come Along for A Ride

Kind of what the bus feels like on I-80

Throw Momma From the Train

Or was it tie JLo to the roof? I was really out of it on the bus ride in today. I'm not sure what I really understood. I remember tanks, jet tanks, JLo which was really jato which means jet assisted take off, strapping a jet to a Volkswagon, a street legal jet engine Volkswagon, the Fall Guy, license plate convention, learning how to play guitar, figuring out cords, horsepower, dodge neon, snowmobiles, Alaska, red and blue flashing lights off a boat on a Volkswagon, Volkswagon bus with a Porche engine, air guitar, heat signature, Battle of the Buldge, Germans, Deisel, Nuclear Waste, Back to the Future, Mr. Fusion, Energy Solutions, Breeder Reactors, dying batteries, millions of years, lead, dinnerware, New Orleans Jazz, New Orleans Saints, Utah Saints, Utah Uranium Miners, Utah Jazz, The Running Elders, The Utah Seaguls, The Great Salt Lakers, oh here's my stop.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Just Think of the License Plate You Could Put On That!

This is the 1001 horse power, w16 engine Bugatti Veyron. This is something Kavorka learned about today. So much learning. It's amazing. Actually, we've decided that no one learns anything from Kavorka, he is our Padowan, he is there to learn.

The Bugatti came up in a discussion about Facebook and this cool racing application that I play with. The Bugatti is the top car you can get. It's awesome.

Another thing that came up. Today, the short bus. We usually have the long bus which we like to call the limo. Today we had the short bus, that's the Maserati. That's what we tell the people at work anyway. "Today I came in the limo." Bet you wish you could be chauffeured to work.

Then the question came up, why no in ride meal. They do it on planes. And most of us are on the bus for an hour or more. I looked up to see that someone had chopped the no food sign out of the restrictions above us. Well there goes that excuse. I wondered aloud if they have to let people eat on the bus because it's such a long ride and some people are diabetic. Just wondering? Then someone pointed out that they probably only have in ride food service on the express bus. Everything is better on the express bus.

So there you have another bunch of random stuff.

Oh, and thankfully, there were no wild turkeys on the bus today... or pizza.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Other Things I've Learned Riding the Bus

Some people get mad when you call them old

Things I hope I never see on the bus

1 - Idiots
2 — Guys without shoes
3 — Wild turkeys
4 — Narcoleptic drivers
5 — Egyptian godesses
6 — Pizza
7 — Escape prisoners
8 — Another license plate
9 — Another damn blog
10 — A new disease

Monday, March 10, 2008

Things I've Learned Riding the Bus

1. Don't speak up and jump in conversations about the Spiral Jetti, people will find you interesting and knowledgeable and want to talk to you every day.

2. If you hear someone going on and on about license plates, avert your eyes or else he will tell you all about them too.

3. I prefer reformed Egyptian translated to English translated to Portuguese.

4. Some people should keep information to themselves.

5. Not everyone was aware that Orrin Hatch is a liberal.

6. Some people should REALLY keep information to themselves.

7. Some people like to intrude on my private business.

8. People who are jealous of your intelligence because of all the books you read will try to talk to you so you can't read so that you won't continue to widen the intelligence gap.

9. Riding the bus boosts immunity through increased pathogen exposure.

10. Everyone will die of something, but some of us sooner than others. Like people who are old. Like Clusterbuster.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Things I Learned on the 453

So, riding the bus in the morning is a lot of fun and educational.

Things I learned:

1. There is a piece of 'art' in the Great Salt Lake called the Spiral Jetti. Its a big spiral made of rocks and such.

2. There are crazy people in this world that will pay hundreds of dollars for an old license plate.

3. The way to tell if an Egyptian girl is a godess she will be depicted topless.

4. There is an Egyptian god called the copulating bull.

5. Orrin Hatch is a Democrat.

6. There are people in this world that were more experienced by the time they were eight than is physically possible.

7. Some people will pick their noses and wipe them on the side of the seats thinking a bus full of people won't notice.

8. People who take the bus must be really smart because they read a lot of books. They could be just pretending to read to avoid getting chatty with people.

9. There are people in the government that have been vaccinated against everything except maybe arthritis and death.

10. Most people born on this planet will die one day.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Bus Ride Conversationalist Extrodinaire

An hour long bus ride may seem like a long time. But you'd be surprised how many people you can find on the average bus ride that can engage in an entertaining conversation for the entire trip. Even to the point where you wish it wasn't time to get off the bus when your stop comes.

So here's to you Bus Ride Conversationalists